It may be common courtesy to switch the lights off when you leave a place, but nothing really behaves the way you expect during the polar night. So as our stay in Ny-Ålesund comes to an end we switch the lights back on in the Marine Lab and the harbor.
Some intense weeks on Helmer Hanssen and in Ny-Ålesund are over. The Marine Night participants are back at home (or at UNIS), trying to make sense out of the massive amount of data that has been collected during the campaign – to shed some light on the dark of Polar Night.
With us disappearing, also the darkness disappeared and light returned to the Marine Lab and the harbour in Ny-Ålesund. With the end of the campaign for this year, let’s finish with some acknowledgements:
Thanks to all participants, for making this Polar Night campaign such a great success!
Thanks to Jørgen for getting it up and running, keeping control of all diverging interests and the first-time ever “underwater robotics in the Polar Night” course.
Thanks to Kings Bay in general and Sebastien Barrault of the Marine Lab in particular, for supporting us with all our weird requests and turning the entire harbour area into a pitch dark Polar Night laboratory. Without their cooperation and help this project would not have been possible.
And of course, thank you so much for following us, dear readers, without you this blog would have been meaningless! If we got you hooked on Polar Night science, follow our main page for updates on results and other projects! http://www.mare-incognitum.no
We end this blog with some pictures of the Marine Lab in a way none of us has seen it during the last weeks – in bright light, inside and outside.
Daniel Vogedes
All pictures: Malin Daase