The collection of long-term oceanographic data plays a crucial role in scientific research. By establishing time series stations in fjords, we can monitor changes in the environment and distinguish unique events from lasting transformations. A team led by Malin Daase from UiT/UNIS, along with Mark Inall, Laura Hobbs, and Laura Castro de la Guardia from SAMS, manages two long-term observatories – Rijpfjorden (established in 2006) and Kongsfjorden (established in 2002). The observatories include standard instruments such as CTDs, ADCPs, and sediment traps, complemented by “guest instrumentation” based on collaborative research requests: AURAL hydrophones (NPI), RAS autonomous water samplers (FAABulous/AWI/APN), and settlement plates (APN), among others. For the equipment setup, please refer to the mooring diagrams. All data collected is made publicly accessible, and we strive to use the NetCDF format whenever applicable. Please visit the SIOS data access portal for an overview of the available datasets. If any unshared data sparks your interest, do not hesitate to contact Daniel Vogedes (Project Technician, UiT) to request access. The Norwegian Research Council through SIOS funds the Kongsfjorden mooring until 2026. The Rijpfjorden mooring receives exclusive UiT funding and will also remain operational until 2026, for further details please refer to the SIOS homepage. Both observatories are registered in the Research in Svalbard database (Kongsfjorden RIS #11107, Rijpfjorden RIS #11106).
The list below starts with the Rijpfjorden mooring diagrams. To access the Kongsfjorden mooring diagrams, scroll down or click here.
PDF versions with DOI for download/referencing are available at Zenodo. Please do not use any of the images from this site for publications, the only valid version is the one on Zenodo. Direct links to the diagram downloads sorted by year can be found on the data portal page.
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